Dawn breaks; The golden gates of Your kingdom
You set ajar for the sunlight to pour in its abundance;
Oh how brightly it shines! Your face in all its royalty;
Your gaze on Your children, burning in them a fire
That sets aflame a zeal to live a life of fulfillment that comes from You alone.
Ai Khuda, Teri sultanat humesha rahe aabaad
Uss jaanat mein bhi aur iss jahaan mein bhi
Bus itni se hai fariyaad...
You set ajar for the sunlight to pour in its abundance;
Oh how brightly it shines! Your face in all its royalty;
Your gaze on Your children, burning in them a fire
That sets aflame a zeal to live a life of fulfillment that comes from You alone.
Ai Khuda, Teri sultanat humesha rahe aabaad
Uss jaanat mein bhi aur iss jahaan mein bhi
Bus itni se hai fariyaad...
Tides fall low and tides rise high;
In solitude but dignified it stands
With waves lashing against it;
Not once does it fail to do the Karma
Showing the way to those in need,
Being the light when darkness falls;
That He in His goodness should make me
Like the brave lighthouse always standing tall;
Doing faithfully its duty, asking for zilch as reward.
In solitude but dignified it stands
With waves lashing against it;
Not once does it fail to do the Karma
Showing the way to those in need,
Being the light when darkness falls;
That He in His goodness should make me
Like the brave lighthouse always standing tall;
Doing faithfully its duty, asking for zilch as reward.
Beauty lies in the detail.
Life just waits to happen, ne'er does it fail;
Embracing every external as its own,
With everyone or all alone,
It keeps growing, keeps forging ahead with Him as its holy grail.
Life just waits to happen, ne'er does it fail;
Embracing every external as its own,
With everyone or all alone,
It keeps growing, keeps forging ahead with Him as its holy grail.
Photography: Devendra Tambe