I only play my roles and complete you as you complete me...
The child
Tantrums and tears, all say they are her weaknesses;
She is so full of them, no she won't take no answers;
The more you hold her back, the more she lunges forward
And the more you quieten her, the more she screams to have her way
She needs to be understood, nurtured and cared for,
Empty promises will not pacify the babe;
The more you push her away, just passing the buck on,
The more she clings to you; So accept her with your wide
Arms, it's all she needs; A hug, love and security.
The Mother
One moment, she is a child and the very next its mother;She nurtures the child in her, she stands up to the world
And protects the little babe, wiping its tears she teaches it,
"Be stronger my dear, for the world belongs to such,
The world, it will abandon you but I will hold on to you ,
For how can I leave a part of me to suffer and perish;
I will raise you up to be the woman and more that you're meant to be".
The Angel
There's power in her love, a power so gentle;
She has her ways of knowing that you've been all low;
Reading 'tween the fine lines that drop off your lips and
Stealing all your sorrows, she leaves back all her joy;
A joy that is scarce; But she knows she will manage
And so she smiles through her pain, a smile that knows you're happy.
The Bitch
She tries not to hurt you but sometimes she doesn't,
She intends to nick your heart and cause you pain,
She does what she does coz she knows she can do it,
And she knows she has power over what is her own,
She claims that if she's hurt you she also has loved you,
Coz she can only hurt the ones that she loves.
The Ambitious
A tigress, wounded but unyielding, she will fight the fight until her last breath;
Giving up or giving in is an option for a few;
She walks tall and aspires to be at the vanguard
But can walk back to the start line for the ones that she loves;
She's the boss, she's the painter, the writer, the maid;
But she's also the daughter, the mother, the friend
Juggling colored balls, a million and moreShe makes sure she's there for all those that she loves;
In the bargain, giving herself the last of all slots.
The Homemaker
She transforms a house of bricks into a home;
A home warm with love, a sanctum of sorts;
All those who live in it are safe in her embrace;
Though The Ambitious, all out there and bold,
She tucks you into safety with a kiss and a smile.
The Woman
Girded with strength, she plays her varied roles;
So many faces and yet the same heart,
Loathe her or love her but you know you can't leave her,
For your heart will speak its heart out saying, "...she is always a woman to me..."
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised... (The Holy Bible)
Inspired by Billy Joel's She is always a woman to me