Saturday, April 30, 2011

Simon of Cyrene, you helped my Savior carry His cross
Oh what a privilege you  enjoyed
So then how much more privileged am I
For my Savior, He helps me carry my cross...
The interim my Lord, doesn't seem to end
And now my patience is wearing
Make haste and grant me Your purpose for me
Just let me do what You sent me to do

What is it that You want me to do Lord?
I hesitate to ask You because I fear that I shall not hear Your reply
But now that I've asked You, please speak with me 
For I'm lost in thought, the folds on my brain are symbolic
Of a tortuous path that keeps me away from my goal
My goal which is You and Your purpose for me
The latter I shall receive only if I loose my self in You
Only if I loose my self in You shall I find myself

The bigger plans are not mine to see
But it would help Lord, if I could see the bigger picture
The bits and pieces that are visible to me
Are like a jigsaw that I struggle to assemble
And now my rationality has yielded
Now I fail to  see even the smaller frames
For so long I have held on to so many things 
For so long I have held myself together
But now Lord, I let go, for I can hold no longer

The soul is where is the body is, for who has been able to separate
Fragrance from a flower and innocence from a child
So if my body is in this world, then how can I not be of this world
It would be easier for me to be in you and of you
Or it would be easier for me to be in the world and of the world
But I cannot be in the world and of You
When I try to, I am blanched
Your love is warm and You pour this warmth on me
But before the warmth of Your love reaches my core
The world and its distractions they pull me away
The world is so cold and so distant
This icy coldness doesn't let Your love reach me
Hence I am blanched 

Worldly excellence doesn't hold meaning any longer
But I play devil's advocate, lest it is not the wisdom but the foolishness in me that may be speaking 
So does unwillingness to sow in the fields imply sinfulness
For work is worship and so if I refuse to find joy in my work 
Then I reject You my Lord
Am I right then and more so if I say that the work that I find no joy in is not my work
For my work as I understand  it, is Your purpose for me
So are you saying, that humbly doing what doesn't bring me satisfaction, is Your purpose for me
For Your purpose for me is obedience to Your will
And Your will for me is to be even more patient than I was all this while...

Friday, April 29, 2011

So I'll cement the empty spaces; But the cracks
In the wall of my heart, they'll simply remain...

We built us brick by brick, we built us stone by stone
But when 'twas time to cement the bond, you left us all alone.

Friday, April 22, 2011

As pure as the moon she, her life 
Revolved around him, her world
But an image of her, her shadow
She could cast on him, his heart 
Only with His light, light from the Son (the sun)...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I whisper my inner most thoughts to the wind 
The wind, it in turn whispers my secrets into your ears...
I try reaching out to you, but you've built a wall around you
My voice, so frail, it fails to nudge you back to life
For you are lost in your reverie, your pensive translucent I cannot see
I beckon to you for the privilege of a panoramic view of your thoughts
But you shun away my very call

So then how shall I come down to your nadir
Or is it that you are on a zenith that I shall never touch
In either case we are not standing on the same plane
So how shall we ever stand side by side
The only solace is the wind, my breath I exhale
And she carries it to you, and you breathe it in
So somewhere there is a connect, somewhere we meet
And I know when she has reached you with a part of me
Because when you breathe me in you nudge me back to life...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

As helpless as can be, like nothing is in my power;
When I'm close to her I break her heart, I break her heart when I'm far away...

Out of no where, it drizzled
Rain drops on parched land
The wet mud blending with the water, 
Their unity creating a magical fragrance
Probably they were meant to complete each other
Complementary and complimentary, the mud and the water
So she walked in, yes she did
And I was refreshed
We created magic together, both she and I

Then suddenly, I remembered the rain, the last time it had showered upon me
She had started with a drizzle and ended in a storm
A storm that had blown away the sands from on the land
And had left my soul, a parched land, even more dry and empty, than I was before
That storm, it haunts me 

But the rain, she will shower upon me no matter how much I resist
And this time she will bring the sun shine
Bright and cheerful shall it be
Should the storm lurk around the corner
She, the rain, will pull over the land, that is now refreshed
A blanket of flowers
And she shall continue pouring droplets of water; Like diamonds
When the sun rays pierce thorough each droplet 
Bringing to the land, the light that was promised it
Promised it by the rain
The day that she was born in the skies above 
Only  to bring to life the land so dry...