Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Momma Diaries

Most women would agree with me if I told them that the fairer sex generally have stints during their growing years where they imagine the kind of mothers they will be. And I don't claim to be different!

Professor Shilpa Peshwani once told me how all her friends who had no siblings were bent on having more than one child when they grew up and today are proud parents to two or  more little angels. I relate to her friends' thought processes. I too am the only child my parents have and ever since I've thought about being a mother some day I've always maintained that the official number would be 'two'; preferably one boy and one girl though for reasons inexplicable I've always had a soft corner for daughters. My affinity to baby girls and my desire to have one of those pink bundles of joy some day is very clear in one of my previous blogs on Cuppa (please refer to My Girl Maya in the blog archive). My thoughts about raising my children have hovered around the more important (subjective) matters like the values I'd instill in them, the independent individuals I'd train them to be, the sensitivity I'd teach them never to loose...and of course around quite a bit of trivia such as our cooking escapades together, the birthday parties we'd organise, the 'same out fit day' my daughter and I would enjoy...

Well it looks all glamorous and fun alright. Also, I'm pretty sure I'd manage decently well. That said there are quite a few issues that worry me. My mother is this wonderful homemaker and neatness freak. Since time immemorial she has been at my back to be more organised with my work, to neatly stack my clothes in the cupboard, to keep my shoes in their box which goes onto the shoe-rack, to not throw my earrings onto the dressing table once I'm back from a party, to brush my teeth each night (well, is that dad or mom!), to drink more water, to put my clothes on the get the drift; and I wonder if I'll ever be able to imbibe in my little ones the same discipline when I haven't reached 'there' as yet. In simpler words, am I ready to have children when I'm a child myself!

I don't really discuss these things with mum and dad; embarrassing topics these are. Nevertheless the doubts  remain and will haunt me till I find answers to my questions. Again having said that the ray of hope streaking across my window of prospective motherhood is that mothers are never born but made!

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