Monday, July 16, 2012

For Writing's Sake

There are sights waiting to render their beholders breathless
If only one were open enough to look out for them...

Just the other day I was whiling away my time on Facebook when I bumped into a  really thought provoking photo-share; it spoke of how there aren't just seven wonders in the world but that in the eyes of a child everything is no less than a wonder. I couldn't help but think of whether the innocence in us is still untouched enough to spot the extraordinary in the most ordinary.

A few years back I was on a holiday in Bahrain and my mom and I went for a stroll in morning. We were just wandering away from no where when we walked across one of the most beautiful things that I'd ever seen. I stopped in my tracks visually gorging on the beauty of this non-wonder of nature. Nature is a strange woman and has an uncanny knack of doing the unexpected. She creates beauty out of nothing and that's what best describes this haven of sorts that I beheld in front of me. Was mother nature trying to teach me something? May be we too as her children can bring out the best from the worst of situations; create something worthwhile out of naught. On second thoughts is naught just an illusion?

As I stood under the sun admiring the 'climber haven' my first thought was what a fabulous wedding tent it would make! I've always nurtured a fascination for beach weddings with flower-arches..the works. The climber veins so beautifully entwined the fragile structure beneath them and in doing so supported each other so well. How symbolic I thought! After all a man and woman come together in marriage pledging to be each others' support.

As I'm typing this post I'm reminded of a beautiful quote that I'd written for one of my closest friends, a soul sister I'd say. One evening we unexpectedly had this intense conversation and realised that we had more in common than we knew. Listening to each others' inner most feelings made us stronger as individuals.

In life we are faced with so many opportunities to be a shoulder to someone. How many of us are willing to take a cue from these feeble climber veins and be that support for another? After all service to others is a platform for self actualisation; we never do it for others, we do it for ourselves.

"Two climbers inching on a common wooden beam; some how they are destined to entwine. And now, though dependent climbers, they are stronger in each other, in each other they are rendered independent..."


  1. nice one :), good to read cuppa after a very long time. keep it up sweety

  2. Thank you Anu:- ) it's very encouraging to know that one's work is appreciated..keeps one going!
