Sunday, July 1, 2012

Let It Be...

"Memories are like mulligatawny soup in a cheap restaurant, it's best not to stir them." - P. G. 

I've lost count of the number of times that I've used this quote by the synonymous to humour Wodehouse. Perhaps it's because of the priority that memories enjoy in my life. I once asked one of my close friends if there was anything that he loved collecting and he had replied saying books. I'd love to see his collection someday. That reminds me of another of my friends who owes me a session with his collection as well. Anyway, when the former asked me the same question I replied saying memories; I collect memories!

The Bible verse that I read this evening (Romans 12:21) led me to associate it with memories. St. Paul advises the early Christians not be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good. The undertones of the verse point towards building a tenacity of sorts. One needs to be able to endure in order to live in this world; after all 'tis a bad bad world. One cannot allow evil, a bad experience to overcome one. Rather, one needs to, through prayer create goodness enough to help one overcome the trauma.

It's been over a year now and like many of you I too am dealing with a broken heart. I wake up each day to put the pieces together in vain. The bitter memories have an uncanny knack of blending into our happy thoughts. I wonder if St. Paul is trying to tell us what he told the early believers in Christ. Are we exercising the choice that God has given us? The choice to put the bitter memories behind us rather than be over come by them and stop dreaming. I'm reminded of what Patrick Swayze said in his autobiography 'Time of my Life'. Swayze was a national icon and we've seen his red carpet moments. The book though takes us through his worst experiences and despite them all he is a believer that the most unfortunate of persons in the world is one with a broken dream who cannot dream again. Dreams break and Swayze advocates that one needs to find another dream to replace it in order to continue to live. How profound!

Overcoming is a process and nothing is going to change overnight. That said we need to make a start somewhere. The first step is realising that we're hurting and that there is something we need to overcome. The next step is realising that we cannot hold onto certain things or people in our life and that as the Beatles so beautifully put it we need to 'Let it be'. Lastly, being patient enough to endure the process no matter how long it takes and believing through it all that He will come and so we must wait for Him.

Lord, give me the grace to accept the things that I cannot change and the courage to change what I can..

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