Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I live not in a vacuum, but among creatures varied;
Yet I feel the solitude, the empty space stares me in the eye...

Mumbai. She came to this city when she was 17. Full of life, both the city and she. Like a two edged sword the city devoured her. Ruminated on her belief in herself. Yes, it had taught her how to be herself and given her the courage to practice what she had learned. But may be it had taken more than given.

Vehicles honking, dogs barking, rain chitter- chattering and birds chirping. Such is the city that even silence seems so loud. Yes, it is difficult to feel the solitude therefore. But she did feel it. There was everyone around her and yet she was on her own.

There comes a time in life when family and friends fail to fill the void. Eyes crave for a glimpse of that face, the face that fills the empty space. In vain the mind wanders, the heart wastes precious emotion. Then there are a few who come along. They come with their story, they come with their song. She dreams the septa coloured dreams again. A moment or more the feeling lasts. It goes leaving her like ever before.

In the silence of her heart she hears someone speak. She hears Him say, "Come to me". A candle, some solitude and His word. Day after day there is no evident change. But her mind is made up. She seeks not change any more. She craves for the company. Even though it takes a thousand years and forever she will not be moved. He was, he is, he will be.

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