Saturday, October 16, 2010

Freedom begins between the ears...

Listen to your voice, it speaks so softly;
Let not vain noise stifle its message for you.

I really admire people who are sure of what they want to do in life. This is because they can do something I can't. I've never been sure of what I've wanted, be it the course I should pursue, the brand I should work with, the man I should spend the rest of my life with et al or have I?

Many a time though, I've felt that deep down I just know what I want to do and may be I just don't want to admit it to myself. Fear of the unknown- what if I fail, what if I find out it's not what I should have chosen? In the bargain, most things I've ended up choosing are what I shouldn't have chosen. What an irony!

I always thought dropping out of college for the love of music or being an IITian and an IIM graduate and ending up as a fiction author were things that happened to others. Women like me, very next door and very ordinary don't do or even think of doing things like that. But I must admit that I was wrong. Where I am today, I'd have loved to drop out of college! I guess, it's a feeling I've probably harboured for quite sometime now at a subconscious level. Finally, the boiling lava has hit surface. After all these years I've finally realized that I'm not M.B.A. material. I'm not cut out to sit in plush offices and crack deals worth crores. I am just meant to be me. 

I've always been some one who could never work things out on a macro level. The next door chic that I am, I can only perform and function on a micro level. Hoping all through out that my efforts create ripples that go a long way and extrapolate the benefit large scale. For instance, I can't convert a two lakh  event into a sixty lakh one. Rather, what I can do and enjoy doing is write an attractive tagline for the event hoping in good spirit that the event becomes a name that touches every heart it reaches.

I wish life was a movie shot that had retakes if needed, in contrast to 'the world being a stage' where you get to perform any scene only once . Alas, if wishes were horses, I'd have a ranch! Nevertheless, there is always a door that helps you break away, you just have to find it. And I've found my door. 

I open the door to my secret hide out and the sunlight, it kisses my face;
Smiling, I gently nudge it away to find myself in its embrace.

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